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Kansas Injury Law

Topeka Kansas Injury Lawyers


    Manhattan, KS, Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

    When a car collides with a pedestrian in Manhattan, KS, the outcome is often fatal. If the pedestrian survives, there’s a high chance they’ll be left with serious or life-altering injuries. Since pedestrians have little ability to protect themselves from the impact of an oncoming vehicle, fault for the crash often falls upon the driver. However, it usually takes a Manhattan, KS, pedestrian accident lawyer to build a case and fight for the injury compensation you need.

    Get Help Now

    Why Choose Us

    Decades of Experience and Over $100 Million Recovered

    Palmer Law Group has spent over 40 years fighting to recover compensation on behalf of injured clients in Kansas. In that time, we have successfully recovered over $100 million in injury settlements and verdicts.

    Our award-winning attorneys know what it takes to build a successful case and obtain fair compensation for pedestrian injuries. As our client testimonials and case results demonstrate, our Manhattan, KS, pedestrian accident attorneys don’t rest until we’ve exhausted every option for recovering the injury compensation our clients need.

    Pedestrian Accident Compensation in Manhattan, KS

    Serious Injuries Bring Higher Compensation

    Compensation is unique in every pedestrian accident case in Manhattan. Your case value is the total amount of all costs and losses related to the accident. You can recover compensation for both financial and emotional costs and the impact in the past, present, and future.

    Damages you may be able to recover in a Manhattan, KS, pedestrian accident case include:

    • Medical bills
    • Attendant care
    • Medical devices
    • Lost wages and benefits
    • Pain and suffering
    • Reduced quality of life
    • Scarring and disfigurement.

    Recovering fair injury compensation is the result of hard work and legal skill. The more experienced your Manhattan, KS, pedestrian accident lawyer, the more likely they will be able to maximize your case value.

    Were you injured in a pedestrian accident in Manhattan, Kansas? Call Palmer Law Group today at (785) 233-1836 and schedule a free consultation to discuss how we can help with injury compensation. 

    Proving Fault in a Manhattan, KS, Pedestrian Accident

    Building a Case Against a Negligent Driver

    Under Kansas law, drivers have an obligation to watch out for pedestrians and show appropriate concern for their safety. Even when a person breaks a pedestrian law, such as crossing the road outside of a crosswalk, a driver can still be held responsible for the injuries that result from the accident.

    When you hire a pedestrian accident attorney in Manhattan, KS, your lawyer will investigate the accident and work to build a case that proves the other driver is responsible for the crash.

    How much you recover depends on the extent of your injuries and the amount of responsibility you bear for the crash.

    Kansas uses a modified comparative fault system. That means both you and the other driver are assigned a percentage of fault for the crash. As long as you are less than 50% responsible, you can recover some form of compensation. However, your overall case value can be reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to you.

    How Our Manhattan, KS, Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Help

    You need a skilled pedestrian accident attorney if you hope to recover fair compensation after an accident in Manhattan, KS. Insurance companies fight to reduce payouts and deny claims. Success in a pedestrian accident claim requires having a lawyer interpret the facts of the car accident to your advantage and fight back against insurance tactics. As our legal team fights for your compensation, we may:

    • Investigate the crash
    • Collect evidence
    • Prove negligence
    • File a claim
    • Negotiate your settlement
    • File a lawsuit.

    The best way to improve your chances of recovering the pedestrian accident injury compensation needed is to allow an experienced attorney to handle your case from beginning to end.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Here are some common questions clients have about recovering pedestrian accident compensation in Manhattan, KS.

    How long do I have to contact a pedestrian accident attorney in Manhattan, KS? 

    You should call a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident. You have two years from the date the injuries happen or are discovered to file a lawsuit.

    Does hiring a lawyer mean I’ll be filing a lawsuit against the driver?

    Most cases end through negotiating a settlement, which means a lawsuit isn’t usually necessary.

    Can a lawyer help with compensation if my loved one died in a pedestrian accident?

    If an immediate relative or spouse died in a Manhattan, KS, pedestrian accident, a lawyer can help you recover wrongful death compensation.

    How much do pedestrian accident lawyers charge?

    At Palmer Law Group, we charge no upfront fees, and you only pay if we win your case.

    You can receive answers to additional questions during a free consultation with Palmer Law Group.

    Call a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Manhattan, KS, Today

    Palmer Law Group Is Ready to Help

    You’re not alone after a pedestrian accident. Palmer Law Group is ready to investigate the accident, build a case against the other driver, and fight for the injury compensation you need. Pedestrian accident injuries can have a devastating impact on your quality of life, but we fight to ensure you don’t struggle financially because of them.

    You shouldn’t have to pay for pedestrian accident injuries. Schedule a free consultation with a pedestrian accident lawyer in Manhattan, KS, by calling Palmer Law Group at (785) 233-1836.

    Attorney LJ Leatherman

    LJ Leatherman passionately believes in fair and dedicated representation for individuals who have been affected by automobile negligence, electrical injuries, firearm litigation, wrongful death, and third-party claims against insurance companies and all other areas of personal injury litigation. [Read More]