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Palmer Law Group, Topeka KS Topeka Personal Injury Lawyers

Kansas Delivery Room Error Attorneys

Topeka Kansas Injury Lawyers



    You Could Be Entitled to Compensation for Injuries during Childbirth

    The birth of your child should be one of life’s happiest events. However, if an error happens in the delivery room and your child is injured, happiness can quickly turn to despair. A serious injury at the very beginning of life can lead to lifelong complications, permanent disabilities and, in some cases, a shortened lifespan.

    If your child was harmed in the delivery room due to a preventable medical error, you have the right to seek payment for medical bills and other damages. Our Kansas delivery room errors attorneys will fight hard to get you the compensation to which you are entitled. We are not afraid to stand up to the medical establishment and their insurance providers.

    Call (785) 233-1836 today to arrange a free consultation with one of our experienced delivery room errors attorneys. We can advise you if your child was injured or if you suffered injuries due to a doctor’s mistake.


    Our Law Firm Has Secured Over $100 Million in Settlements & Verdicts

    When you are choosing a law firm to represent you in Kansas, consider the firm’s previous track record of success. At Palmer Law Group, we have won more than $100 million in compensation for clients faced with serious injuries, and our focus is always on getting maximum payment in every case we agree to take on. Our team of hardworking lawyers has over 60 years of combined legal experience, and we have been a respected part of the Kansas legal community since 1980.

    But don’t just take our word for it. You can read about some of our accomplishments here and see what satisfied clients have to say about our services on our testimonials page.

    We know the last thing you probably want to do if you are going back and forth to medical appointments for your injured child is to spend time traveling to an attorney’s office. We strive to make meeting with us as easy as possible, and toward that end offer same-day phone meetings and appointments and home visits. Just let us know what is most convenient for your situation. Our firm also provides free initial consultations so you can learn about the strength of your case before making a financial commitment. All it takes is a phone call to schedule a time to speak with a knowledgeable and compassionate delivery room error attorney.


    You trust your doctor and nurses to take good care of you when you enter the delivery room to give birth. If something goes wrong due to delivery room error and your child is injured, you may not understand what rights you have. At Palmer Law Group, we do understand the rights of parents when their children suffer injuries during childbirth.

    We can help you by advising you about what legal recourse you have and guiding you through the steps to compensation. When you trust us with your claim against the health care provider whose mistake harmed your child we will:

    • Advise you about the process of filing a legal claim against the health care provider
    • Counsel you about the amount of money you may be entitled to receive
    • Build a solid case against the provider designed to get you maximum compensation
    • Negotiate with the provider’s insurance company on your behalf
    • Keep you closely informed from beginning to end of the legal process.

    Our medical malpractice attorneys have effectively and beneficially resolved many complex cases for clients. We will work hard to get you the best possible outcome.


    Birth injuries can be very expensive because they may require treatment and care for years or even for a lifetime. Damages in cases of injuries due to delivery room errors can include payment for:

    • Doctor bills, hospitalization, surgeries and other medical expenses to treat the initial injuries
    • Long-term specialized treatments and nursing care for permanent disabilities
    • Medical equipment and devices that may be necessary in cases of disablement
    • Loss of quality of life for the child.

    You may be able to claim other damages as well, depending upon your situation. Our attorneys can assess all of the current and future damages that may be available for you to claim.


    We know you have many questions if your baby was hurt during delivery. Here are answers to some of the common questions we get that may address some of your concerns.

    What causes delivery room errors?

    Hospitals are busy places, and doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists and other providers may be tired and overworked, which can lead to errors. Sometimes when forceps are used to extract the child, it can cause injuries. Malfunctioning of equipment used in the delivery room may cause injuries. There are also situations in which the size of the baby, its position in the birth canal, difficult labors and other issues can lead to injuries. Not all injuries equal medical malpractice, however.

    How do you prove medical malpractice in the delivery room?

    To prove medical malpractice in the delivery room, our attorneys will work to show that the doctor or other provider did not deliver the standard of accepted medical care that another provider would have in similar circumstances and that this negligence directly led to your child’s injuries and resulting damages.

    What types of injuries can happen in the delivery room?

    There are various types of injuries that can happen in the delivery room. Some of the more common birth injuries according to Stanford Children’s Health include facial nerve injuries, bruising and swelling of the baby’s head, broken blood vessels in the baby’s eyes, fractured clavicle or collarbone, bleeding under cranial bones, and damage to nerves that supply the arms and hands.

    Will my claim go to trial?

    The majority of medical malpractice cases can be resolved through negotiations with the health care practitioner’s insurance company. In some cases this may not be possible. Our delivery room error lawyers in Kansas always thoroughly prepare our cases as if we are going to trial so that we are ready for either possibility.

    How long do I have to file a medical malpractice claim in Kansas?

    Under the Kansas statute of limitations , you generally have to file a medical malpractice claim within two years from the date of injury or the date on which injuries were discovered. The law also gives an absolute four-year maximum for filing from when “the act giving rise to the cause of action” happened, which in this case is the delivery room error.

    To get answers for your specific situation, contact our delivery room error lawyers to schedule a consultation.


    We Pursue Compensation for Injuries Caused by Delivery Room Errors in Kansas

    If your child was injured due to a delivery room error, you no doubt feel anxious, upset and confused about how you will pay your bills and what quality of life your child will have. At our law firm, we may be able to help you get significant compensation so that you can help your child get the best possible care during recovery or for the long-term. Reach out to a compassionate delivery room error lawyer in Kansas for a free consultation by calling (785) 233-1836.

    Attorney LJ Leatherman

    LJ Leatherman passionately believes in fair and dedicated representation for individuals who have been affected by automobile negligence, electrical injuries, firearm litigation, wrongful death, and third-party claims against insurance companies and all other areas of personal injury litigation. [Read More]