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Palmer Law Group, Topeka KS Topeka Personal Injury Lawyers

Kansas Work Injury Lawyer

Topeka Kansas Injury Lawyers


    You go to work every day. While you are there, you expect to do your job in safety and return home in the same condition you were in when you left your home. That isn’t always the case, though. When you get injured in the workplace, you shouldn’t be responsible for paying for the consequences of that injury. Unfortunately, your employer or their insurance company may make it almost impossible to get the compensation you need to recover. An experienced Kansas work injury lawyer can help you cut through that red tape.

    Don’t Wait to Contact a Kansas Work Injury Attorney

    Any Delay Only Helps the Insurance Company

    Every insurance company is a corporation accountable to its owners or stockholders. This means making money is the top priority of the insurance company. Unfortunately, the way an insurance company makes money is by denying your claim or otherwise paying you less than your claim is worth. Even worse, the insurance company has almost complete control of the insurance claim process. It investigates the claim, determines whether you are eligible to receive compensation, and determines how much compensation you are owed. That means it is easy for the insurance company to treat you unfairly.

    Regardless of what they claim, insurance companies don’t care about helping people. They only care about their bottom line.

    When you wait to consult with a work injury lawyer in Kansas, you allow the process to continue. During that time, the insurance company may complete its investigation and deny your claim. At that point, you are at a disadvantage. Your situation will be much stronger if you are represented by a Kansas work injury attorney from the moment you are injured.

    How a Kansas Work Injury Lawyer Can Help

    What the Work Injury Attorneys at Palmer Law Group Do For You

    People who are unfamiliar with personal injury lawyers often assume that all we do is handle trials. And while our legal team has decades of experience winning trials, most of our work doesn’t involve a courtroom. The following are all ways a work injury lawyer in Kansas can help your case.

    Handling Communications With Your Employer and Its Insurance Company

    Communication with your employer and its insurance company is very important. There is a lot of information you need to share with them to get compensation for your injury. However, there is also information you shouldn’t share. Our Kansas work injury lawyers will handle all communications, ensuring you don’t accidentally say something that could get your claim denied.

    Navigating the Claims Process

    Another advantage to being represented by a Kansas work injury attorney is that our legal team is familiar with the claims process of insurance companies that cover work injuries. That means we know what type of evidence you need to support your claim and what the deadlines are for providing information to your employer and its insurance company. Meeting these deadlines is the best way to keep the process running smoothly because it prevents the insurance company from delaying payments.

    Gathering Evidence

    Insurance companies don’t just give money away if they can avoid it. They require irrefutable evidence that you were injured and that the injury occurred at work before they will pay compensation. Our legal team will help you collect the evidence you need and preserve it safely. Preserving records can be particularly difficult when you are recovering from an injury unless you have a work injury attorney in Kansas helping you out.

    Were you injured while on the job in Kansas? Your employer’s insurance should cover your medical bills and lost wages. Contact a Kansas work injury attorney at Palmer Law Group at (785) 233-1836 to find out how we can help you get compensation quickly.

    Why Choose Us?

    At Palmer Law Group, serving the people of northeast Kansas has been our mission since we were founded in January 1980. We are a legal group made up of locals who are committed to helping the people of Kansas. If you were wounded in a Kansas workplace, you deserve to have your rights defended by Kansas lawyers who understand the pain you are in and your needs.

    Serving the local community isn’t just our day job, either. We are proud to be supporters of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Kansas. Our attorneys have also coached youth sports, sponsored community events, and sat on several non-profit boards. It is just one of the many ways we give back to our community. We understand that our clients feel more comfortable when their rights are defended by lawyers who have strong roots in the community.

    What is one of the benefits of these strong roots? Success. Our community-focused approach to the law has resulted in countless positive verdicts and settlements for our clients. We work quickly and never take any case for granted. Just as importantly, our work injury attorneys in Kansas are always willing to take a case to trial when the insurance company refuses to negotiate in good faith. That is our commitment to you.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you want to know more about the legal process and how it affects you before you decide whether to hire an attorney? We expect that and prefer to have informed clients. The following are answers to some of the most common questions we receive about work injury cases.

    Does my employer have to carry insurance for employees injured at work?

    Yes. The Kansas Department of Labor requires nearly all employers in the state to maintain workers’ compensation insurance for their employees. If your employer is not exempt and doesn’t have appropriate insurance, the government will fine them for their negligence. You can still sue for compensation even if your employer doesn’t have insurance.

    If I want to file a lawsuit against my employer or the insurance company, how long do I have?

    For personal injury claims, you have two years from the day you discover an injury to file a lawsuit. Typically, you will become aware of an injury when it happens. But some workplace injuries, like those caused by hazardous chemicals, may take years to become apparent.

    If I am driving a work vehicle and get injured, does that count as a work injury?

    Yes. Just because you aren’t in the physical structure of your workplace, that doesn’t mean you aren’t “at work.” Any time you are performing work activities, even if you are at another site, you are considered to be working.

    Will I be able to keep my job if I hire a lawyer to handle my work injury case?

    Typically, you will. Our goal isn’t to antagonize your employer. We just want to get you as much compensation as possible for your work injury. Typically, only your employer’s insurance company will feel the sting from our work.

    If you have any more questions, ask our staff during your free case evaluation.

    Contact Palmer Law Group as Soon as Possible

    Getting injured at work is never pleasant. You suffer all the pain associated with the injury and have to deal with additional red tape. At Palmer Law Group, we understand that and try to cut through that red tape.

    If you were injured at work in Kansas, you need an experienced, community-oriented lawyer at your side. Contact our law firm at (785) 233-1836 to talk to that type of attorney.